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  • Writer's pictureCalvin

Life Is Good

Sometimes, I think to myself how good I have it in life. Despite the coronavirus pandemic that is raging across this country, I am still alive. I still have a kind family, an awesome girlfriend, and I still have a wealth of resources that I can tap into. I live in one of the most bustling cities in the world in New York City.

And I have a treasure trove of memories that I can embrace at any time in my mind. From simple pleasures like riding a camel in the sand dunes of Northwest China. To playing Halo 2 with college friends back in the good old days of Cornell. I realize that life has been kind to me, and I should be considerably grateful.

There are moments these days when I finish a conversation with my girlfriend. Or I just had a nice scrumptious meal with my parents, that I look back and think how good I have it. It’s something that I really need to treasure. Because life is fleeting and we can only hold on to so much.

But, in a way, it’s nice that life doesn’t last forever. It’s nice that I can look back at all these cherished memories with appreciation and gratitude. It’s really not that hard. Happiness is not some unattainable summit on top of Mount Everest to achieve.

Happiness can be found right in the here and now. All it takes is a little bit of perspective and the right mindset. It’s acceptance of the moment and realizing that everything that we have is already present.

Don’t get me wrong. There are times during the day when I will stress here and there. Maybe I got interrupted by my parents. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. But overall, I’d have to say that my life - going on 36 years as of now - has been fine and dandy.

There’s always going to be ups and downs. But, whenever the downs come, I tap into my host of memories of the good old days and remind myself of how lucky I am to be in this world, to be in this community, and to be amongst good friends and family. This truly is a blessed life - regardless of the situation swirling amidst the pandemic.

I have to say that realizing this goodness in my life makes me want to give back to society a little bit more. Donate a little bit more money to causes that I believe in. Be a little kinder to my friends and family. Do the little things that can help people improve their lives just a little bit.

Every little action counts. And it can have a snowball effect that causes real change to happen in society. Sometimes, small changes can have large consequences.

I still think to myself these days that “life is good”. When I have a nice conversation with my mom and dad. When I’m watching a good basketball game on Hulu. When I’m in the shower singing or just thinking about how to grow my business. There’s always a way to treasure what you have in the moment.

And that makes me feel like there is goodness everywhere I go. It’s all perspective, and it helps to be situated in a good environment and a host of good companions.

Toastmasters has been a boon to my life. And I am grateful for all the online Zoom meetings that I’ve been partaking in these days. It’s nice to be amongst people with shared interests and shared hobbies. And this organization has taught me the beauty of communication, leadership, and personal growth.

Meditation has helped me look at things from a calmer perspective, and to help cherish the moment just a little bit better. It’s helped bring relaxation and a host of both physical and mental benefits. And I could go on about my friends and family and every little action they do to help me thrive and prosper.

The little things can go a long way. And I appreciate every little thing that my world has given me. Allowing me to live a life that has been kind and good. To appreciate everything for what it is. To simply be sufficient in the here and now. It’s not rocket science. It’s simply good living.

I can still improve in a variety of ways. But, I’m taking the time to look back, look ahead, and look in the present to see that life everywhere has been good to me. And as a result, it has allowed me to see things in a kind way. I think this perspective is not exclusive to only myself.

Anybody can have a “life is good” mentality. It just takes a little bit of gratitude and appreciation for all there is in this world. It can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive society. And that would be something worth striving for.

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