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Image by Kane Reinholdtsen


For humans only.  For peace of mind.

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Most beliefs aren’t necessarily final. They will change. No matter how right you think you are at the time.

Smell The Roses

What happens in this moment is good enough. It’s the only thing that is guaranteed.


What you perceive to be true at a young age may change as you grow older.

The Pen

The more you look, the more you’ll realize that simple objects can bring you joy and fulfillment and beauty.

Modern World

Problems are inevitable, regardless of where we are in status, economic well-being, or relative health.

Work Of Art

I try to let art move my imagination. To help create things that can hopefully serve some purpose in this world.

Opportunity Cost

Everything you do comes at a cost. Everything you do takes time away towards doing something else.

The Tragic Flaw

Sometimes, it’s hard to let go. It’s hard to just be willing to leave the past behind.

Attention To Detail

The more focused you are, the more attentive you are, the fuller your life will become.


Ideally, every day would be beautiful, perfect, and unadulterated. But, of course, no life is ideal.

Everyday Tools

We are all tools. And we all have it within us to provide some sort of insight or wisdom or value to this society that we live in.

For My Culture

This year, I would like to think and reflect a little bit to myself about what it entails to be Asian in America.

I Am Forgiven

It’s important not to just forgive others, but to forgive yourself for your transgressions as well.

Pay Your Taxes

If you pay your taxes, give yourself a pat on the back. Give yourself some credit for putting in meaningful value to the community.


When you don’t achieve as much as you’d like in a day, be kind to yourself. Go easy on yourself.


Ecstasy is a feeling that comes and goes. And to a certain extent, it depends on external circumstances.

Valuable Lessons

What is it that you’re okay with doing in relative obscurity - regardless of the money or the fame?

Coloring Book

You will color the events and circumstances that surround you based on your opinions, feelings, and emotions.

Health Is Wealth

Money is meaningless if you don’t have the health to function and fully enjoy it.


Life is fluid. Life has value all across the board. It’s not restricted to a solitary number.

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